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Living Machines – 0007

    Raw Poetry by Rev. Shakes Spear


    Just for fun: here is an ‘auto-generated excerpt’ (AI analysis ) of this poem…

    “In “Living Machines,” the poet Rev. Shakes Spear reflects on the ephemeral nature of life and the human fear of death. Capturing the quiet anticipation between heartbeats, he likens the body to a machine that temporarily houses the spirit—both fleeting projections of perfection. This raw poetry contemplates the cyclical journey of the spirit that dresses in the mortal guise to experience life’s brief dream before awakening to inhabit a new form. Through this rhythmic contemplation cast in verse, Spear evokes the intimate dance between mortality and the eternal. Written on the 7th of February, 2024, this piece calls to ponder the profound connection between body and spirit, akin to flame and fire.”

    “In “Living Machines,” Rev. Shakes Spear delves into the contemplative space between life’s fragility and the inevitability of death. The poem explores the quiet before a heartbeat and the fear of its cessation, drawing a parallel between bodily existence and fleeting machinery. Spear portrays life as a temporary stage for the spirit, likened to costumes worn for a brief drama before moving on. This meditation on the cycle of life and the transient nature of the human form underscores a deeper, spiritual continuity, suggesting a symbiotic relationship between the corporeal and the eternal, mirroring the union of flame with fire.”