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Strange Visitors – 0004

    Raw Poetry by Rev. Shakes Spear


    Just for fun – here is an ‘auto-generated excerpt (AI analysis) of this poem:

    “Reverend Shakes Spear’s “Strange Visitors” is a contemplation of internal struggles as uninvited guests. These personified emotions—Fear, Anger, and Doubt— enter the speaker’s mind unannounced and unwelcome, bringing turmoil. They refuse to leave, despite the speaker’s pleas for relief. This raw poetry explores the concept of mental battles where the individual feels invaded and overwhelmed by their own subconscious. The speaker achieves awareness of these internal visitors, hinting at a broader understanding of the self. The forces within mock his desire for peace, emphasizing the enduring nature of such internal conflicts.”

    “Reverend Shakes Spear’s poem “Strange Visitors” personifies unwelcome emotions as uninvited guests imposing turmoil on the speaker’s mind. Frequencies like Fear, Anger, and Doubt claim to have been summoned, resist departure, and mock the speaker’s efforts for ease. The poem navigates the internal battlefield where one struggles with intrusive subconscious forces, seeking but denied tranquility. Through confrontation and a begrudging self-awareness, the poem delves into the often-permanent struggle with one’s deeper psychological visitors. An analysis suggests the poem reflects on the enduring nature of internal conflicts and the journey towards self-understanding in the midst of mental chaos.”