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The Space Between – 0001

    Raw Poetry by Rev. Shakes Spear


    Just for fun – here is an ‘auto-generated excerpt’ (AI analysis) of this poem:

    “Rev. Shakes Spear’s “Raw Poetry” explores the frantic pace of modern life where there’s little time for reflection or the ’empty space.’ Through “The Space Between,” Spear emphasizes the need to find moments of peace and contemplation, symbolized by a place for spiritual breathing outside of ritualistic prayer. This space allows one to witness nature’s vitality and connects us to a divine eternity. Spear conveys the idea that when we perceive the world through a shared lens—as the birds and bees do—we can transcend the mundane and experience profound joy in the unity of existence.”

    “Rev. Shakes Spear’s poem, “The Space Between,” addresses the rush of modern life, with its relentless pace and pressure for constant productivity evidenced through incessant editing and the inability to appreciate stillness. Contrastingly, the Reverend has created a sanctuary to pause and breathe, where spirituality transcends formal prayer, drawing focus to the natural world’s symphony and the interconnectedness of all things. This space allows for a profound connection with the eternal divine, embracing the essence of being in the moment and the universal identity.”

    “In Rev. Shakes Spear’s “The Space Between,” urgency clashes with tranquility. He denounces the frenetic pace of modern life, where editing and efficiency eclipse the sanctity of stillness. Spear rejects this velocity, carving out a sanctuary for breath and serenity, seeking a divine connection within nature’s whispers. His verse transports us to a haven where birds, bees, and the self coalesce into a shared rapture, evoking an eternal, omnipresent deity—a beckoning to transcend the mundane by embracing the eternal “I Am” within and without.”